Introduction to this year's trip, and maps
Hello, this is an introduction to my fifth large bike touring trip: West Africa! Its a 2-monther, from January 10 to March 15, 2007. My starting point is Gibraltar, a tiny piece of England clinging to the Southern tip of Spain. From there I'll ride the short 20km to the Spanish port of Algeciras, cross the narrow strait of Gibraltar (by ferry, not bike!) to Africa, and begin my ride South through Morocco. Crossing the Rif mountains, I'll hit the ancient cities of Fez and Marrakesh, getting my touring legs back underneath me. This Northern section of Morocco, being on Europe's doorstep, will be loaded with fellow tourists, lots of hotels, touts galore (hey mister! want some hotel/taxi/tour/etc...?), great food, etc.
Marrakech to the Sahara
across the Sahara!
Guinea Bissau and Guinea
Gibraltar to Marrakech
Riding South out of Marrakesh I leave "tourist" Morocco... the cycling will get fast and furious as, within a few days, I enter the Sahara desert. The Sahara is "only" 1500km wide at this point, and I'll be crossing it on the only paved road that is pushed through it. The distances between towns are large; on many days I'll be riding over 100km at a time with nothing to see but the road and sand. When I come upon human habitation, even as spartan as a gas station, it will feel like... you guessed it... an oasis. Fortunately I can expect a massive tailwind, the "harmattan", a seasonal strong dusty wind that blows from the Northeast... and I'll be going Southwest. Even though I'm travelling light I have expandable panniers to pack extra food and water for these sections.
Marrakech to the Sahara
across the Sahara!
The last 500km of Sahara is through another country, Mauritania, which I'll probably spend less than 4 days in. Mauritania just paved the North-South road in 2005, and I expect accomodation to be so sparse that I'll be sleeping at least once in a restaurant, or gas station, or tea house, or something like that. On to the Senegal river, a significant marker, separating Mauritania from Senegal, Sahara from grassland, predominantly-Arab countries from predominantly-Black countries. Dakar is Senegal's capital, certainly worthy of a few R+R days to get the sand out of my gears, pick up some visas, reload on cash, etc.
Senegal and The Gambia
From Dakar I continue Southeast through Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, and ultimately to Freetown, Sierra Leone - the end of my trip. This 1800km stretch will be the toughest of the trip: questionable roads, dicey food, few to no tourists, few accomodation options, and hot hot weather. The road less travelled, for sure. Just how I like it!
Guinea Bissau and Guinea
Sierra Leone
See you on the road!