Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 25 :: Kartong, Gambia

February 25 :: Kartong, Gambia :: 40km / 3307km total

The German cycling group left early this morning, bound for the same place as me... Kartong, the end of Gambia, reportedly a beautiful place. I waited til 10 a.m. then left, hammering along with a Harmattan tailwind. Halfway to Kartong a small group of local racing cyclists joined me, and the six of us rocketed South. Soon enough we caught the Germans, and now 11 cyclists travelled along together. Lots of fun, but it had to end as we came to Kartong.

The lodge we stayed at was packed due to a neighbouring lodge having burnt down yesterday. Yesterday also happened to be national Cleaning Day, where people were burning all sorts of garbage. I think someone got a little carried away, and byebye Footsteps Eco-Lodge. Anyways, I slept in a thatch-roof treehouse, virtually beachfront, man, doesnt get much better than this. Its not quite Thailand, but its damn close.


Blogger Cheop's sister said...

Sounds neat. If you really want to make us jealous, post more pics!

12:53 PM  

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